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    2022 Lightwave Innovation Reviews Honoree -Auxora WDM Bidirectional Optical Sub-Assembly Core (BOSA Core)

    发布日期:2022-03-03 来源:admin 点击: 4758

    Auxora’s Bidirectional Optical Sub-Assembly (BOSA) Core enables customers to re-use the existing PON BOSA structure for 5G mid-haul bidirectional WDM transmission application. Lightwave Staff

    Designed and developed for 5G mid-haul bidirectional WDM transmission applications, Auxora’s Bidirectional Optical Sub-Assembly (BOSA) Core enables customers to re-use the existing PON BOSA structure. The traditional PON BOSA structure has two WDM filters at 45 deg and 0 deg positions to mux/demux the 1.25-Gbps or 2.5-Gbps transmitter and receiver signals at 1310 nm and 1490 nm, respectively. Due to the large wavelength separation of 180 nm (1490-1310nm), the angle of incident of the filters are relatively less sensitive.

    Judge’s Comment: “This BOSA module enables the higher speed BiDi modules to reuse the 90 degree conventional geometry, which was previously thought to be impossible. The wireless bidi application is fast growing, making this potentially very important.”

    About Auxora:

    Since 2000,Auxora has been a leader in passive optical solutions,serving Tier-1 customers globally in various markets;data centers,telecom/datacom,CATV,Bio-Photonics,high power laser mirrors,and advanced optics for automobiles.We are a vertically integrated manufacturer of optical thin film filter coatings,optical components and modules.

    Founded in Los Angeles,Auxora moved assembly and production to Shenshen,China in 2003.Auxora expanded the product line in 2006,acquiring Confluent Phontonics,with their proprietart bulk-grating-based DWDM products,for the CATV/MSO market.Opticalthin film coating production moved from Los Angeles to Shenzhen in 2008.In 2020,Auxora was acquired by Suzhou TFC Optical Comminications.

    From its inception,Auxora developed comprehensive technical platforms and process-optical filter coating designs,manufacturing porcess,post-coating pre-process treatment of the opitcal glass,micro-optical simulation and beam tracing.free-space high-density fabrication(design,alignment,assembly),auto and semi-auto component assembly and testing,high-precision mechanical design and stress analysis.

    Using these technolgoies,Auxora offers optical solutions world-wide:

    • Coating Filters
    • Prisms,precision optial part
    • Passive optical components for active transceivers
    • Passive optical devices,modules
    • Opitcal inerconnection cables